
General News

August 28, 2022 / el 28 de agosto 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for August 28, 2022, the Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection (by Fr. Cam), and “The Catholic Corner,” which focuses on the World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation on Thursday, September 1st, the theme of which is “Listen to the Voice of Creation” and the Scripture passage given is from Exodus 3:1-12,...

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August 7, 2022 / el 7 de agosto 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for August 7, 2022, the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection (by Fr. Cam), and “The Catholic Corner.” / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 7 de agosto de 2022, que es el Décimo noveno domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo C, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe dominical (escr...

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July 31, 2022 / el 31 de julio 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, /Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. /Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for July 31, 2022, the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection (by Fr. Hilary), and “The Catholic Corner,” featuring some aspects of the Catholic Church, one in each language. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 31 de julio de 2022, que es el Décimo octavo domingo en el Tiempo Ordinar...

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July 24, 2022 / el 24 de julio 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for July 24, 2022, the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection (by Fr. Cam) and “The Catholic Corner,” something new for your information about our Catholic Faith. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 24 de julio de 2022, que es el Décimo séptimo domingo en el Tiempo Ordin...

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July 17, 2022 / el 17 de julio 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for July 17, 2022, the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time and the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection (by Fr. Kim). / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 17 de julio de 2022, que es el Décimo sexto domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo C y la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe dominical (escrito por el P. Joaquín). Spiritual R...

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July 10, 2022 / el 10 de julio 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for July 10, 2022, the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection (by Fr. Cam) and the Litany to the Precious Blood (July is the traditional month of the Precious Blood of Jesus). / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 10 de julio de 2022, que es el Décimo quinto domingo en el Tiempo Ordinar...

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July 3, 2022 / el 3 de juilio 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for July 3, 2022, the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time and the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 3 de julio de 2022, que es el Décimo cuarto domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo C y la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe dominical. Spiritual Reflection with Fr. Cam on this ...

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June 26, 2022 / el 26 de junio 2922
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for June 26, 2022, the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection,  and the Response of the Catholic Bishops of Mississippi to today’s overturn of the landmark 1973 Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade (1973), which granted the “right to an abortion.” / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín domi...

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Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ / la Solemnidad del Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. Happy Father’s Day to all our dads, grandpas, godfathers and stepfathers! Congratulations to all of you and we are so blessed to have you in our lives. We thank God for you! / ¡Feliz día del Padre a todos nuestros papás, abuelitos, padrinos y padrastros! Felicidades a todos ustedes y estamos tan bendecidos por tenerlos en nuestras vidas. ¡Le agradecemos a Dios por ustedes! Happy Juneteenth this Sunday! Monday,...

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June 12, 2022 / el 12 de junio 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for June 12, 2022, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection and the announcement of a high school youth retreat, one announcement in each language, which is scheduled for Saturday, July 16, 2022, from 10:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. at Locus Benedictus, at which Fr. Greg Plata, OFM, will preside at Mass. / Adjuntos a este correo ...

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June 5, 2022 / el 5 de junio de 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you his Easter peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz pascual. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for June 5, 2022, the Solemnity of Pentecost, the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection and the Announcement of Winona’s Fannie Lou Hamer on Thursday, June 9, 2022, at 2 p.m. at the corner of Oak Dr. and Sterling Ave. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 5 de junio 2022, que es la So...

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May 29, 2022 /el 29 de mayo 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you his Easter peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz pascual. Christ is risen! He is truly risen! Alleluia! / ¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡En verdad ha resucitado! ¡Aleluya! With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for May 29, 2022, the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Cycle C, and the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 29...

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May 22, 2022 / 22 de mayo 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you his Easter peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz pascual. Christ is risen! He is truly risen! Alleluia! / ¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡En verdad ha resucitado! ¡Aleluya! With this notice you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for May 22, 2022, the Sixth Sunday of Easter, Cycle C, the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection and the announcement  and registration form for this upcoming Vacation Bible School, June 20-23, 2022, sponsore...

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Promoting Prayer for Racial Unity and Reconciliation
A small group of St. Francis of Assisi parishioners continues to gather on a monthly basis for prayer and dialogue on the challenge of racism, both personal and systemic. This group began meeting in March of 2019, though a small group, it continues. "We can all attest to the fact that positive change can be very slow, but since meeting we have been blessed to see the old state flag retired, a Flag of Unity raised, the freeing of Mr. Curtis Flowers, an opportunity to study the Bishops Pastoral Letter on Racism, “Open Wide our Hearts”, a survey given by the D...

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May 15, 2022 / el 15 de mayo 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for May 15, 2022, the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Cycle C and the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 15 de mayo de 2022, que es el Quinto Domingo de la Pascua, Ciclo C y la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe dominical. Easter Reflection with Fr. Cam on thi...

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Letter to the Parishioners / Carta al los  Feligreses
Assumption BVM Province Letter to Parishioners Assumption BVM Province Carta a los Feligreses

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Press Release / Anuncio al Publico
Assumption BVM Province Press  Release Assumption BVM Province Anuncio al Publico

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May 1, 2022 / el 1 de mayo 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace this Friday of the Second Week of Easter – Christ is risen! He is truly risen! Alleluia! / Que el Señor les dé su paz este viernes de la segunda semana de la Pascua - ¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡En verdad ha resucitado! ¡Aleluya! With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for May 1, 2022, the Third Sunday of Easter, Cycle C and the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están...

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April 24, 2022 / el 24 de abril 2022
Dear brothers and sisters,/ Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace this Easter Friday – Christ is risen! He is truly risen! Alleluia!!  Que el Señor les dé su paz este viernes de la Octava Pascual - ¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡En verdad ha resucitado! ¡Aleluya! With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for April 24, 2022, the Second Sunday of Easter, or Divine Mercy Sunday, Cycle C and the bilingual Sunday Pastoral Reflection./ Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el...

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April 17, 2022 / el 17 de abril 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, With this announcement you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for April 17, 2022, Easter Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection, Cycle C and the bilingual Easter Pastoral Reflection. / Adjuntos a este noticia están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 17 de abril 2022, que es el Domingo de la Pascua de la Resurrección del Señor, Ciclo C y la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe de la Pascua. Easter Reflection with Fr. Cam on this Wednesday ...

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March 27, 2022 / el 27 de marzo 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. Blessed Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary today. That means that there are nine months till Christmas! Today we celebrate the beginning of the Incarnation of the Word of God at his Conception in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Happy feast day of our salvation, everybody! / Que todos tengan una celebración bendita de la Anunciación del Señor Jesucristo a la Bienaventurada Virgen María hoy día. P...

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March 20, 2022 / el 20 de marzo 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for March 20, 2022, the Third Sunday of Lent, Cycle C and the bilingual Pastoral Reflection.  The Services of the Word are being discontinued at this time. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 20 de marzo 2022, que es el Tercer domingo de la Cuaresma, Ciclo C y la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe. No s...

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March 13, 2022 / el 13 de marzo 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for March 13, 2022, the Second Sunday of Lent, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word,  / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 13 de marzo 2022, que es el Segundo domingo de la Cuaresma, Ciclo C, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y elServicio de la Palabra, para el...

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March 6, 2022 / el 6 de marzo 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for March 6, 2022, the First Sunday of Lent, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the First Sunday of Lent, Cycle C. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 6 de marzo 2022, que es el Primer domingo de la Cuaresma, Ciclo C, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio&nb...

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February 27, 2022 / el 27 de febrero 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for February 27, 2022, the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C. Please note that we enter the Holy Season of Lent this Wednesday, March 2, 2022, which is Ash Wednesday. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín...

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February 20, 2022 / el 21 de febrero 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for February 20, 2022, the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 20 de febrero 2022, que es el Séptimo domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo C, la Reflexión p...

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Synod on Synodality / el Sínodo sobre la Sinodalidad
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace / Que el Señor les dé su paz. This article has attachments as material for your reflection in preparation for the listening sessions on the Synod on Synodality, which Pope Francis has called, in both languages, for next weekend at the end of each Mass, Saturday and Sunday. It is an opportunity for all of us to prayerfully reflect on the Biblical texts and the two questions with which we’ve been provided about us discerning the movement of the Holy Spirit in mo...

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February 13, 2022 / el 13 de febrero 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for February 13, 2022, the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 13 de febrero 2022, que es el Sexto domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo C, la Reflexión pastora...

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February 6, 2022 / el 6 de febrero 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for February 6, 2022, the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 6 de febrero 2022, que es el Quinto domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo C, la Reflexión pastoral...

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January 30, 2020 / el 30 de enero 2022
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. On Wednesday, January 26, our brothers and sisters of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church suffered an assault on their church. Someone(s) entered the church and desecrated it, turning over the Altar of Sacrifice, the ambo and the Baptistry, damaging a crucifix, severely damaging their large statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and tearing an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, along with other indignities. As a result, the Blessed Sacrament and Holy Oils h...

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January 23, 2022 / el 23 de enero

Posted on January 22, 2022 in: General News

January 23, 2022 / el 23 de enero
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for January 23, 2022, the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 23 de enero 2022, que es el Tercer domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo C, la Reflexión pastoral ...

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January 16, 2022 / el 16 de enero

Posted on January 15, 2022 in: General News

January 16, 2022 / el 16 de enero
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for January 16, 2022, the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 16 de enero 2022, que es el Segundo domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo C, la Reflexión pastor...

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January 9, 2022 / el 9 de enero

Posted on January 08, 2022 in: General News

     January 9, 2022 / el 9 de enero
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for January 9, 2022, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Cycle C. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para 9 de enero 2022, que es la Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor, Ciclo C, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe ...

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January 2, 2022 / el 2 de enero

Posted on January 01, 2022 in: General News

January 2, 2022 / el 2 de enero
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace this Solemnity of the Epiphany o the Lord Jesus!  May God continue bless you and your loved ones this Christmas Season. / ¡Que el Señor les dé su paz esta Solemnidad de la Epifanía del Señor Jesucristo. Que Dios siga bendiciéndoles a ustedes y a todos sus queridos esta temporada de la Navidad.   With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for January 2, 2022, the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord Jesus Christ, Cycles ABC, the bilin...

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December 26, 2021 / el 26 de deciembre
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace this Christmas Day!  Merry and blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones! / ¡Que el Señor les dé su paz esta Navidad! ¡Feliz y bendita Navidad a ustedes y todos sus queridos! With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for December 26, 2021, the Feast of the Holy Family, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the Feast of the Holy Family, Cycle C. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico ...

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December 19, 2021 / el 19 de deciembre
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. Merry Christmas (almost)! / ¡Feliz Navidad (casi)! With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for December 19, 2021, the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Cycle C. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 19 de diciembre 2021, que es el Cuarto do...

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December 12, 2021 / el 12 de deciembre
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for December 10, 2021, the Third Sunday of Advent, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the Third Sunday of Advent, Cycle C. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 12 de diciembre 2021, que es el Tercer domingo de Adviento, Ciclo C, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el&nbs...

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December 5, 2021 / el 5 de deciembre
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for December 3, 2021, the Second Sunday of Advent, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the Second Sunday of Advent, Cycle C. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 5 de diciembre 2021, que es el Segundo domingo de Adviento, Ciclo C, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el&nb...

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November 28, 2021 / el 28 de noviembre
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. Happy New Church Year! Blessed Advent to everyone! / ¡Feliz año nuevo eclesiástico! ¡Bendito Adviento a todos! With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for November 28, 2021, the First Sunday of Advent, Cycle C, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the First Sunday of Advent, Cycle C. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el bo...

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November 21, 2021 / el 21 de noviembre
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for November 21, 2021, the Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Cycle B. This is the last Sunday in Ordinary Time and the last Sunday of the Church Year. Next Sunday, November 28th, we will begin the Season of Advent and start Cycle C. Pl...

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November 14, 2021 / el 21 de noviembre
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for November 14, 2021, the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 14 de noviembre 2021, que es el 33er domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo B, la ...

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November 7, 2021 / el 7 de noviembre
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for November 7, 2021, the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the 32ndt Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 7 de noviembre 2021, que es el 32nd domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo B, la R...

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October 31, 2021 / el 31 de octubre
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for October 31, 2021, the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word, for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 31 de octubre 2021, que es el 31er domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo B, la Ref...

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October 24, 2021 / el 24 de octubre
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for October 24, 2021, the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word,  for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B and a flyer for the international Christmas project, “Box of Joy,” in which St. Francis School will participate and in which we are also invited to participate. / Adjuntos a es...

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October 17, 2021 / el 17 de octubre
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for October 17, 2021, the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 17 de octubre 2021, que es el 29º domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo B, la ...

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October 10, 2021 / el 10 de octubre
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for October 10, 2021, the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 10 de octubre 2021, que es el 28º domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo B, la ...

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October 3, 2021 / el 3 de octubre 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for October 3, 2021, the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word, for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B and the summary of the Sunday collections for August 2021. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 3 de octubre 2021, que es el 27º&n...

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September 26, 2021 / el 26 de septiembre 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for September 26, 2021, the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 26 de septiembre 2021, que es el 26º domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo B...

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September 19, 2021 / el 19 de septiembre 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for September 19, 2021, the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 19 de septiembre 2021, que es el 25º domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo B...

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September 12, 2021 / el 12 de septiembre 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for September 12, 2021, the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Services of the Word, one each in Spanish and English, for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. We’re also sending out again the menu for the Mexican Food Sale (one menu in each language) to be held next Sunday, September 19th, beginning at noon. /&...

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September 5, 2021 / el 5 de septiembre 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for September 5, 2021, the 23rd  Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word, for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B and the menu in English for the Mexican Food Sale to be held on Sunday, September 19th, beginning at noon. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín domin...

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August 29, 2021 / el 29 de agosto 2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for August 29, 2021, the 22nd  Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word,  for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B and Information about the Draw Down for St. Francis of Assisi School. with explanation of Draw Down 2021./ / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el bole...

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August 21, 2021 / el 21 de agosto 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for August 22, 2021, the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Services of the Word, for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 22 de agosto 2021, que es el 21er domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo B, la Reflexión ...

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August 15, 2021 / 15 de agosto de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for August 15,, 2021, Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 15 de agosto 2021, que es la Solemnidad de la Asunción de la Sa...

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Catholic Service Appeal 2021 / La Campaña católica de servicio 2021
Catholic Service Appeal 2021 You should have received an email from our parish that describes the need for ongoing support for this worthwhile cause that helps us as the Catholic Church in this diocese to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus and fulfill various tasks for the mission of the Gospel. Thank you to those who have already contributed! If you haven’t yet donated, please be generous – thank you.  La Campaña católica de servicio 2021 Ustedes debían haber recibido, por medio del correo electrónico, a un anuncio de parte de la diócesis sobre el ...

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August 8, 2021 / 8 de agosto de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for August 8,, 2021, the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 8 de agosto 2021, que es 19º domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, la Reflexión pastoral bilin...

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August 1, 2021 / 1 de agosto de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for August 1,, 2021, the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Services of the Word, , for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B.  Finally, the monthly Sunday Collection Summary Report for July 2021 is included. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 1 de ago...

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July 25, 2021 / 25 de julio de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for July 25,, 2021, the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 25 de julio 2021, que es 17º domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y ...

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July 18, 2021 /18 de julio de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for July 18,, 2021, the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 18 de julio 2021, que es 16º domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y ...

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July 11, 2021 / 11 de julio de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for July 11,, 2021, the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B.  Please also find attached an announcement from Locus Benedictus Retreat Center and various activities that are taking place there during the week. / Adjuntos a este correo ele...

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Faith Formation 2022-2023 / la Formacion de Fe 2022-2023
Registration for Faith Formation: Forms for registration in English are on the table near the entrance to the church (on your right as you leave church). This year’s Faith Formation program will be held at St. Francis School – it will take place on Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m. We plan to begin on Wednesday, September 8. More information will follow. We are requesting a $15.00 donation for one child or $30 per family with three or more children. This is to help defray expenses. Thank you. / Inscirpciones para la Formación de Fe (la doctri...

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July 4, 2021 / 4 de julio de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for July 4,, 2021, the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B.  Also included is the bilingual summary of the Sunday collections for June 2021 – we have been richly blessed by the Lord, so let us give him thanks! Thank you to everyone who has so gen...

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June 27, 2021 / 27 de junio de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for June 27,, 2021, the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 27 de junio 2021, que es 13er domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, la Reflexión pastoral bilin...

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June 20, 2021 / 20 de junio de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. Happy Father’s Day to all our Dads, grandpas, godfathers and foster-fathers! God bless all of you and your families and may he confirm you in your vocation as fathers and father-figures. / ¡Feliz día de los Padres a todos los padres, abuelos, padrinos y padres adoptivos! Que Dios les bendiga a ustedes y a sus familiares y que él confirme a su vocación paternal.  We at St. Francis of Assisi Church rejoice that the US Sena...

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Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this notice you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for June 13,, 2021, the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B.  Please also find attached the summary of the Sunday collections for April and May 2021. / Adjuntos a este noticia están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 13 de junio 2021, que es 11º domingo en el Ti...

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June 6, 2021 / 6 de junio de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor le dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for June 6,, 2021, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Services of the Word, for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 6 de junio 2021, que es la Solemnidad del ...

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May 30, 2021 / 30 de mayo de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor le dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for May 30,, 2021, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Cycle B. Please also find attached the flyer and registration form for this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS), June 21-24, 2021. Due to continuing concerns regarding the pandemic, registration will be li...

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May 23, 2021 / 23 de mayo de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, Come, Holy Spirit, and fill our hearts with the fire of your love! Happy birthday, Church! / ¡Ven, Espíritu Santo, y colma a nuestros corazones con el ardor de tu amor! ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Iglesia! With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for May 23,, 2021, the Solemnity of Pentecost, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the Solemnity of Pentecost. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín domi...

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May 16, 2021 / 16 de mayo de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, Christ is risen! He is truly risen! Alleluia! / ¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡En verdad ha resucitado! ¡Aleluya! With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for May 16,, 2021, the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 16 de mayo ...

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May 9, 2021 / 9 de mayo de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, Christ is risen! He is truly risen! Alleluia! /¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡En verdad ha resucitado! ¡Aleluya! With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for May 9,, 2021, the Sixth Sunday of Easter, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Services of the Word, one each in Spanish and English, for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 9 de mayo 2021, que es el Sext...

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May 2, 2021 / 2 de mayo de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, Christ is risen! He is truly risen! Alleluia! / ¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡En verdad ha resucitado! ¡Aleluya! With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for May 2,, 2021, the Fifth Sunday of Easter, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Services of the Word, one each in Spanish and English, for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 2 de mayo 2021, que es e...

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April 25, 2021 / 25 de abril de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you his Easter peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz pascual. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for April 25,, 2021, the Fourth Sunday of Easter, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Services of the Word, one each in Spanish and English, for the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 25 de abril 2021, que es el Cuarto Domingo de la Pascua, la Reflexión ...

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April 18, 2021 / 18 de abril de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you his Easter peace./ Que el Señor les dé su paz pascual. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for April 18,, 2021, the Third Sunday of Easter, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, Third Sunday of Easter, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 18 de abril 2021, que es el Tercer Domingo de la Pascua, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servici...

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April 11, 2021 / 11 de abril de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you his Easter peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz pascual. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for April 11,, 2021, the Second Sunday of Easter, or Divine Mercy Sunday, the Pastoral Reflection, and the Service of the Word. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 11 de abril 2021, que es el Segundo Domingo de la Pascua, o el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia, la Reflexión pastoral , y el servicio ...

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Easter Triduum / Triduo Pascual
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace this Easter Triduum. / Que el Señor les dé su paz este Triduo Pascual. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for April 4,, 2021, Easter Sunday, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Services of the Word for Holy Thursday and one for Easter Sunday. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 4 de abril 2021, que es Domingo de la Pascua, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y los Servicios de...

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Palm Sunday / Domingo de Ramos

Posted on March 26, 2021 in: General News

Palm Sunday / Domingo de Ramos
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for March 28, 2021, Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Services of the Word, one each in Spanish and English, for Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 28 de marzo 2021, que es el Domingo de Ramos, Ciclo B, la...

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March 21, 2021 / 21 de marzo de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for March 21, 2021, the Fifth Sunday Lent, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Services of the Word, one each in Spanish and English, for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 21 de marzo 2021, que es el Quinto domingo de la Cuaresma, Ciclo B, la Reflexión pastoral ...

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Working Together Mississippi

Posted on March 16, 2021 in: General News

Working Together Mississippi
Brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. We have received word from the Catholic Diocese of Jackson asking all of us to participate in promoting more equitable healthcare for thousands of Mississippians who are without healthcare insurance. / Recibimos un aviso de parte de la Diócesis católica de Jackson pidiéndonos a participar en promover cuidado de salud más justo para miles de personas de Mississippi los quienes que no tienen seguros de salud. Monsignor Elvin Sunds, priest of th...

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March 14, 2021/ 14 de marzo de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace./ Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for March 14th 2021, the Fourth Sunday Lent, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Services of the Word, one each in Spanish and English, for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 14 de marzo 2021, que es el Cuarto domingo de la Cuaresma, Ciclo B, la Reflexión pastora...

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March 7, 2021 / 7 de marzo de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for March 7th 2021, the Third Sunday Lent, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Services of the Word, one each in Spanish and English, for the Third Sunday of Lent, Cycle B and Best Lent Ever bilingual Prayer Process. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 7 de marzo 2021, que es el Tercer domingo de la C...

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February 28, 2021 / 28 de febrero de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for February 28th, 2021, the Second Sunday Lent, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Services of the Word, one each in Spanish and English, for the Second Sunday of Lent, Cycle B. / Adjunto a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 28 de febrero 2021, que es el Segundo domingo de la Cuaresma, Ciclo B, la Reflexión pasto...

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February 21, 2021 / 21 de febrero de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for February 21st, 2021, the First Sunday Lent, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Services of the Word, one each in Spanish and English, for the First Sunday of Lent, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 21 de febrero 2021, que es el Primer domingo de la Cuaresma, Ciclo B, la Reflexión pastora...

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Ash Wednesday / Miercoles de Ceniza

Posted on February 17, 2021 in: General News

Ash Wednesday / Miercoles de Ceniza
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the Services of the Word, one each in Spanish and English, for Ash Wednesday, which is tomorrow, February 17, 2021. / Adjunto a este correo electrónico están los Servicios de la Palabra, uno en inglés y uno en español, para el Miércoles de Ceniza, que es mañana, el 17 de febrero 2021. Knowing that many may be unable to attend Mass because of the inclement weather of the winter storm, we wanted to invite ...

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February 14, 2021 / 14 de febrero de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for February 14th, 2021, the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B), the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Services of the Word, one each in Spanish and English, for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B and a Schedule of Events for the week of February 14th, 20212. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 14 de febrero ...

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February 7, 2021 / 7 de febrero de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for February 7th, 2021, the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B), the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word,  the Lenten Adult Formation Program Best Lent Ever and a Schedule of Events for Lent 2021, which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17th. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 7d...

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January 31, 2021 / 31 de enero de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for January 31st, 2021, the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B), the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word, , an announcement about virtual events for Rice Bowl 2021 sponsored by Catholic Relief Services. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 31 de enero 2021, que es el Cuarto doming...

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January 24, 2021 / 24 de enero de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for January 24th, 2021, the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B), the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 24 de enero 2021, que es el Tercer domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario (Ciclo B), la reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio de la Palabra, para...

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January 17, 2021 / 17 de enero de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for January 17th, 2021, the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B), the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 17 de enero 2021, que es el Segundo domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario (Ciclo B), la reflexión pasto...

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January 10, 2021 / 10 de enero de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for January 10th, 2021, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word, for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 10 de enero 2021, que es la Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor, la reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio&nb...

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January 3, 2021 / 3 de enero de 2021
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace and may you, your family and friends have a blessed remainder of the Christmas Season and New Year 2021 in the Lord. / Que el Señor les dé su paz y que ustedes, sus familiares y amistades tengan un bendito y seguro resto de la temporada navideña y un Año Nuevo 2021 en el Señor que será bendito, sano y salvo. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for January 3rd, 2021, the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Ser...

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December 24 - 27, 2020 / 24 hasta 27 de deciembre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace and may you, your family and friends have a blessed Christmas. / Que el Señor les dé su paz y que ustedes y sus familiares y amistades tengan una bendita Navidad. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for December 27th, the Feast of the Holy Family (Sunday within the Octave of Christmas), the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word for Christmas Mass at Night and the Feast of the Holy Family on Sunday and the list of donors for the Christma...

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December 20, 2020 / 20 de deciembre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters,/ Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace./ Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for December 20th, the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word each in Spanish and English. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 20 de diciembre, que es el Cuarto Domingo de Adviento, Ciclo B, la reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio de la Palabra, uno en inglés y un...

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December 13, 2020 / 13 de deciembre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. Blessed and happy feast day Our Lady of Guadalupe! / Que el Señor les dé su paz. ¡Bendita y feliz fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe! With this email you are receiving the bilingual Sunday Bulletin for December 13th, the Third Sunday of Advent, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word  / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical bilingüe para el 13 de diciembre, que es el Tercer Domingo de A...

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December 6, 2020 / 6 de deciembre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace and happy New Year! / Que el Señor les dé su paz y ¡feliz año nuevo! With this email you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for December 6th, the Second Sunday of Advent, Cycle B, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word, a warning about scammers (in English only) and the Survey on Racial Justice by the Catholic Diocese of Jackson. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 6 de diciembre, que ...

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November 29, 2020 / 29 de noviembre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace and happy New Year! / Que el Señor les dé su paz y ¡feliz año nuevo! This weekend of the First Sunday of Advent begins a New Church Year. We enter Cycle B which focuses on the Gospel of Mark. We light the first of four candles of Advent as we begin the preparation for Christmas. / Este fin de semana es el Primer Domingo del Adviento lo cual inicia la temporada del Adviento, que es un nuevo año litúrgico y nos enfocamos del evangelio según san marcos. Encendemos la ...

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November 22, 2020 / 22 de noviembre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for November 22nd, the Solemnity of the Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Cycle A, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 22 de noviembre, que es la Solemnidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo, Ciclo A, la reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio de la Pala...

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November 15, 2020 / 15 de noviembre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for November 15th, the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word . / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 15 de noviembre, que es el 33er domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, la reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio de la Palabra.  Let us remember in prayer our par...

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November 8, 2020 / 8 de noviembre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace./ Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for November 8th, the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A,Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word . / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 8 de noviembre, que es el 32º domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo A, la reflexión pastoral y el Servicio de la Palabra. Please continue to keep in prayer the various members of our fa...

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November 1, 2020 / 1 de noviembre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for November 1st, the Solemnity of All Saints, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 1 de noviembre, que es la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos, la reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio de la Palabra.  This Saturday night we change our clocks back ...

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October 25, 2020 / 25 de octubre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for October 25th and the Service of the Word. There is no bilingual Pastoral Reflection this week. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 25 de octubre y el Servicio de la Palabra . No hay una reflexión pastoral bilingüe para esta semana. Please keep our nation in prayer as we approach the November 3rd elections. And...

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All Saints and All Souls Days Message  / Mensaje pastoral a los feligreses para los Días de Todos los Santos y Día de las Almas (Día de los Muertos):
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. Each year, during the month of November (“All Souls Month”), we Catholics honor those who have passed away. Due to the pandemic, we will be honoring our beloved dead in a different way than in previous years. / Cada año, durante el mes de noviembre, nosotros católicos conmemoramos a los fieles difuntos. At the English language Masses next weekend, Saturday, October 31st at 4:00 p.m. and Sunday, November 1st at 11:00...

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October 18, 2020 / 18 de octubre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for October 18th, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word . / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 18 de octubre, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio de la Palabra . This Sunday, October 18th, the Latino community of the parish is sponsoring a fundraiser through selling food – quesadillas (ground meat, Me...

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October 11, 2020 / 11 de octubre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for October 11th, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word , the Results of the 2020 Draw Down and a letter to us from Sr. Kathleen Murphy, OSF. / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 11 de octubre, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe, el Servicio de la Palabra , los Resultados de la rifa Draw Down y una carta a nosotros de la...

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October 4, 2020 / 4 de octubre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. Blessed feast of St. Francis of Assisi! / Que el Señor les dé su paz. ¡Bendita fiesta de san Francisco de Asís! With this email you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for October 4th, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word . / Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 4 de octubre, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio de la Palabra .   This weekend we will be celebrating the Solemnit...

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September 27, 2020 / 27 de septiembre 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for September 27th, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word i and the August 2020 Diamonds of the Delta of St. Francis of Assisi Elementary School. /  Adjuntos a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 27 de septiembre, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe, el Servicio de la Palabra  y los “Diamantes del Delta” de agosto 20...

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September 20, 2020 / el 20 de septiembre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this article you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for September 20th, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word. / Adjuntos noticia electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 20 de septiembre, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio de la Palabra. Have you been counted yet in the US census 2020? If not, please do so soon.  The “window of opportunity” will ...

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September 13, 2020 / el 13 de septiembre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this article you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for September 13th, the Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word and a bilingual menu for an enchilada meal being prepared by members of the Latino community of our parish and tickets to pre-order the food. / Adjuntos a este noticia electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 13 de septiembre, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe, el Servicio de la Palab...

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September 6, 2020 / el 6 de septiembre de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this notice you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for September 6th, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word and a menu for an enchilada meal  and tickets for the meal being prepared by members of the Latino community of our parish. / Adjuntos a este noticia están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 6 de septiembre, la Reflexión pastoral, el Servicio de la Palabra , un menú para una comida de ...

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August 30, 2020 / el 30 de agosto de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this notice you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for August 30th, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word . / Adjunto a este noticia están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 30 de agosto, la Reflexión pastoral y el Servicio de la Palabra. Thank you for your prayerful support for our children who have received their First Holy Communion.  We have two more children who are preparing...

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August 23, 2020 / el 23 de agosto de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this article you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for August 23rd, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word , some images of the children who received their First Holy Communion last weekend (in both languages) and the Seminarian Support Promotion for the Catholic Diocese of Jackson. / Adjunto a este noticia están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 23 de agosto, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe, el Servi...

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August 16, 2020 / el 16 de agosto de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this article you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for August 16th, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word  and some images of the children who received their First Holy Communion last weekend (in both languages). / Adjunto a este noticia están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 16 de agosto, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe, el Servicio de la Palabra  y unos retratos de los niñ...

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August 9, 2020 / el 9 de agosto de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for August 9th, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word. / Adjunto a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 9 de agosto, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio de la Palabra. It is with sadness that we prepare to honor the life and passing of Ms. Bessie Wilburn, long-time parishioner of St. Francis of Assisi Chu...

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The passing of Ms. Bessie Wilburn / El fallecimeinto de la Doña  Besi Wilburn
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. It is with sadness that we announce to you the passing of our sister, Ms. Bessie Wilburn.  More information follows below. / Con tristeza les avisamos del fallecimiento de nuestra hermana, la Doña Besi Wilburn.  Hay más informes que siguen. Ms. Bessie Wilburn was a long-time member of St. Francis of Assisi Parish and member of the Pax Christi Franciscan women. May she rest in the Lord’s etern...

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August 2, 2020 / el 2 de agosto de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this email you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for August 2nd, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word in English. / Adjunto a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 2 de agosto, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio de la Palabra en español. This weekend we are beginning the celebrations of First Holy Communion. On Saturday, August 1st, at 10:00 a.m. Sylvester Moreno and...

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July 26, 2020 / el 26 de julio de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this article you are receiving the Sunday Bulletin for July 26th, the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word in Spanish and English. / Adjunto a este noticia están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 26 de julio, la Reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio de la Palabra en inglés y español. This Sunday at 11 a.m. English language Mass, Mr. John “Jay” Sanders, Jr. will...

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24-Hour Vigil of Prayer / Vigilia de 24 horas
PURPOSE: / EL PROPÓSITO To Pray for ALL who are hurting and in need of prayer for any reason. And asking for relief from the COVID-19 virus, which is ravishing our World! / A pedir por TODOS que están lastimados y que necesitan nuestra oración por cualquier motivo, y pedirle a Dios que nos alivie del virus COVID-19, ¡que está atacando a todo el mundo! Locus Benedictus is hosting for the Greenwood Catholic Community, 24-Hours of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament, beginning Friday, July 24th at 9:00AM until Saturday,&n...

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 Videoconferencia via ZOOM sobre el COVID-19
Hermanos y hermanas, Espero que se encuentren bien durante estos dias my extranos de la pandemia COVID-19. Adjunto esta un volante en espanol sobre una reunion virtual en espanol que se llevara a cabo este jueves, el 23 de julio.  Les invito compartir en sus paginas de Facebook en caso de se interesen personas de participar. Esta patrocinada por el departamento de salud del estado de Misisipi. Muchas gracias por su apoyo.  Tal vez otras gentes alrededor de habla espanol se intersara? P. Joaquin

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July 19, 2020 / el 19 de julio de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this article you are receiving the Parish bulletin for July 19, 2020, the Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word in each language and the Mardi Gras Ball Committee 50-50 Raffle information.  / Adjunto a este correo electrónico están los siguientes: el boletín dominical para el 19 de julio, la Reflexión Pastoral bilingüe, el Servicio de la Palabra en cada idioma e información de la rifa 50-50 de parte del Comité del Baile Mardi Gr...

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July 12, 2020 / el 12 de julio de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. With this article you are receiving the bilingual Pastoral Reflection from Fr. Cam, the Service of the Word and the Joint Statement on Racism from the Catholic Bishops of Mississippi. It has an excellent reflection on the Servant of God Sr. Thea Bowman which is very important for our times. Thank you. Please find these attached. / Adjunto están la Reflexión Pastoral bilingüe de parte del P. Camilo, el Servicio de la Palabra y...

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July 2, 2020 / el 2 de julio de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. As we begin a new month (July already!) in this very warm summer, we realize that we are facing many changes in our nation and in our state – rise of COVID-19 cases, uncertainty as to how to proceed through the pandemic, the impending change of the State flag, the decision to remove the Confederate monument on the Leflore County courthouse grounds, the Franciscan Sisters permanently leaving St. Francis, the rise of gun violence in our local com...

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June 26, 2020 / el 26 de junio de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. Please find the bilingual Pastoral Reflection, the Service of the Word , and a document about DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops department of “Justice for Immigrants. / Adjunto están la reflexión pastoral bilingüe, el Servicio de la Palabra  y un documento sobre el DACA de parte de la Conferencia episcopal católica de los Estados Unidos y su departamento de &l...

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June 19, 2020 / el 19 de junio de 2020
Dear brothers and sisters, / Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. Please find attached the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word in each language (English and Spanish). / Adjunto están la reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio de la Palabra en cada idioma (inglés y español). We have seen much upheaval in our country over the issues of racism and complicated by COVID-19. How do we, as Catholic Christians in Greenwood, MS, respond to these issues?  Whether we want to or n...

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June 12, 2020 / el 12 de junio de 2020
Brothers and sisters, / Hermanos y hermanas, The Lord give you peace. / Que el Señor les dé su paz. Please find attached the bilingual Pastoral Reflection and the Service of the Word in each language (English and Spanish). / Adjunto están la reflexión pastoral bilingüe y el Servicio de la Palabra en cada idioma (inglés y español). Please be advised:  The Drive-through COVID-19 testing tomorrow at the Civic Center is for those who show symptoms. / Un aviso para todos:  La prueba en carro de COVID-19 para mañana al Centro Cívic...

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COVID-Testing / la prueba de COVID-19
Brothers and sisters, / Hermanos y hermanas, Please find below the link to register for COVID-19 testing taking place tomorrow, Friday, June 12th, at the Leflore County Civic Center on Hwy 7, from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. / Debajo está el enlace (link) a inscribirse para la prueba de COVID-19 que se llevará a cabo mañana, el viernes, el 12 de junio, al Centro Cívico del Condado Leflore ubicado en la carretera 7, de las 9:00 a.m. hasta las 3:00 p.m. You are invited to take advantage of this opportunity for your own well being and that of your family and friends....

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Livestreaming / Transmisión en vivo
Livestreaming on St. Francis of Assisi Parish Facebook page Please share with family, friends and neighbors Sunday Masses:  English at 11:00 a.m. and Spanish at 1:30 p.m. Daily Mass (in English): at 7:30 a.m. Monday evening Bible Study with Fr. Cam in English at 6:00 p.m. St. Francis Radio Show – Thursdays on WGNL 104.3 FM; 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. also livestreamed Los acontecimientos de la parroquia de san Francisco de Asís.  Transmisión en vivo por la página Facebook de la parroquia ¡Compartan con sus familiares, amista...

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Easter Vigil Booklet / el librito para la Vigilia Pascual
Please find attached the worship booklet for the Easter Vigil which will be livestreamed on Holy Saturday night, 11 April, beginning at 8:00 p.m. on the parish’s Facebook page. It will be bilingual.  To that end, we hope that this booklet will help you in your worship.  Please note that the booklet is designed for legal paper, which is 8.5” x 14”.  Adjunto está el librito para la Vigilia Pascual que será transmitida en vivo la noche del Sábado de Gloria, el 11 de abril, comenzando a las 8:00 p.m. en...

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Holy Week / Semana Sancta

Posted on April 02, 2020 in: General News

Holy Week / Semana Sancta
Dear brothers and sisters /  Estimados hermanos y hermanas, The following events are taking place through St. Francis of Assisi Parish for the Easter Triduum, April 9 - 12, 2020 being live-streamed on the parish's Facebook page: /  Los eventos siguientes se llevarán a cabo a través de la página Facebook de nuestra parroquia para el Triduo Sagrado  Holy Thursday, April 9th, 6:00 p.m. Mass of the Lord's Supper – bilingual / Jueves Santo, el 9 de abril a las 6:00 p.m., Misa de la Cena del Señor, misa bilingüe. Good Friday, April ...

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Easter Week / la Semana de la Pascua.
Easter Monday through Friday, April 14th - 17th, Daily Mass in English at 7:00 a.m. / Lunes de la Pascua hasta el viernes de la Pascua, el 14 – 17 de abril, Misa del día a las 7:00 a.m. en inglés.  Easter Monday, April 13th, Bible Study in English with Fr. Cam continuing with the Gospel of Luke. / Lunes de la Pascua, el 13 de abril, Estudio Bíblico en inglés con el P. Camilo, al continuar con el evangelio según san Lucas. Easter Wednesday, April 15th, 6:00 p.m. Catholic Themes in Spanish with Fr. Kim.            ...

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Online Giving Available -
Online giving for Sunday Envelope Offering is available.

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March 15, 2020 Liturgical Ministers/Lectores
Liturgical MInisters Greeters:  Bobbie Smith, Betty Hurt Ushers: David Gee, Robert Jones, Bill Bailey, Andrew McQueen Lectors:  1st - Edith Spells, 2nd - Jackie Ratliff Commentator:  Robert Tanner Extraordinary Ministers:  Hosts - Julius Ikenga, Preston Ratliff, NO CUP MINISTERS Servers:  Crossbearer: Sierra Ikenga, Mary Johnson, Remiah King Lectores Bienvenida:  Esmeralda 1 Lectura y Salmo:  Adriana 2 Lectura y Aleluya:  David Peticiones:  Carolina Anuncios:  Cristy &nbs...

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Spring Ahead! / ¡No olvídese de adelantar a sus relojes una hora esta noche!
Don’t forget – Change your clocks tonight – Spring Ahead! ¡No olvídese de adelantar a sus relojes una hora esta noche!

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Order of Secular Franciscans

Posted on March 04, 2020 in: General News

Order of Secular Franciscans
The Order of Secular Franciscans will be meeting Sunday, March 8, 2020 after the 11 AM Mass. Please speak to a member if you are interested in attending!  Also, members please remember your canned goods for the food pantry!

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Operation Rice Bowl – from Catholic Relief Services (CRS) / Platos de Arroz – Servicios del Alivio Católico
All parishioners are invited to participate in this US outreach by Catholic Relief Services to assist those in need outside of our country.  It’s suggested to place the Rice Bowl on the family table as a means to pray for and to be in solidarity with people who do not have their “daily bread.” The Rice Bowls will then be collected on Palm Sunday (April 5th).  Point of fact:  because the Diocese of Jackson is a missionary diocese in the USA, we receive 25% of all funds that are gathered. Thank you for your support! Los Servicios del Alivio...

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Mission Mississippi

Posted on February 27, 2020 in: General News

Mission Mississippi
The purpose of Mission Mississippi is to promote relationships among the people of our State by crossing denominational and racial barriers one person at a time.  March 2020 MM will take place at Providence MB Church, on Highway 82 East (on the right side of the highway) this coming Thursday, March 6th, at 6:45 a.m. – 7:45 a.m.  It’s a time for tasty breakfast, fellowship and prayer with people of Greenwood and greater Leflore County from different backgrounds.  Come out and make a difference!

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Our Lady of Victories Spaghetti Dinner / Cena de Spaghetti
The Knights of Columbus of Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church in Cleveland, MS is sponsoring their annual spaghetti supper on Thursday, February 13, from 4 – 6:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, one mile west of the church on Highway 8. Adult plates are $10.00. Eat in or take-out plates and drive-through are available. Tickets may be purchased by contacting Logan Roberts (662-588-5444) or the parish office at 662-846-6273. Los Caballeros de Colón de la parroquia de Ntra. Sra. de las Victorias en Cleveland, MS patrocinan su cena de spaghetti anual el jueves...

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Annual Martin Luther King March

Posted on January 10, 2020 in: General News

Annual Martin Luther King March
Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. March in Greenwood.  This will take place next Sunday, January 19th – please see insert in bulletin.

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Christmas Mass Schedule / Horario de las misas navideñas
Sunday, 29 December – Feast of the Holy Family / domingo, el 29 de diciembre – Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia 10:30 a.m. Holy Rosary / Santo Rosario en inglés 11:00 Sunday Mass in English / Misa dominical en inglés 1:30 p.m. Sunday Mass in Spanish / Misa dominical en español Tuesday, 31 December – New Year’s Eve – Vigil for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God / martes, el 31 de diciembre – Vigilia del Año Nuevo 2020 y la Solemnidad de María, Madre de Dios 6:00 p.m. Vigil Mass in Spanish / Misa de la vigilia en español Wednesday, 1 J...

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Christmas - Epiphany Potluck

Posted on December 27, 2019 in: General News

Christmas - Epiphany Potluck
The parish will have its annual Christmas Potluck on Sunday, January 5 th , the Feast of the Epiphany, following the 11:00 a.m. Mass in the school cafeteria. More information to follow!

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Mardis Gras - Feb. 8, 2020 / 8 de febrero de 2020
Save the date!  Mardis Gras 2020 is on February 8, 2020 beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Civic Center.  Tickets are $35.00 each. The proceeds are to support St. Francis of Assisi School. Guarde la fecha – el Baile Mardi Gras anual es planeado para el sábado, el 8 de febrero, comenzando a las 7:00 p.m. al Civic Center de Greenwood. Boletos son $35.00 cada uno. Es para recaudar fondos para la escuela de san Francisco.

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Christmas Mardis Gras Bingo! / El Bingo americano!
The next Bingo sponsored by the Mardi Gras Committee will be on Wednesday, January 8 , 2020, beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Mark your calendars! Bingo americano – se llevará a cabo el miércoles, el 8 de enero, comenzando a las 6:00 p.m. en la cafetería de la escuela. Premios son útiles de hogar y un televisor es el gran premio. Patrocina el Comité de Mardi Gras de la parroquia.

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Fourth Sunday of Advent Reflection after Mass
Sunday, Dec. 22, 2019 will be the last Advent Reflection by Fr. Cam. It will take place after today’s Mass in the Fr. Nathaniel Room behind the sanctuary. A delicious soup will be served. You are welcome to come and enrich your Catholic Faith this Advent Season. This series is sponsored by the Parish’s Liturgy Committee.

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¡Acompáñenosa despedir y a agradecer  a los padres redentoristas! / Join us to bid farewell to and thank our brothers, the Redemptorist Priests.
¿Cuándo? / When?  El sábado, el 28 de diciembre / Saturday, Dec. 28th ¿A qué hora? / What time?  A las 4:00 p.m. (comenzamos con la santa misa dominical)/ 4:00 p.m. (beginning with the Vigil Mass for Sunday, the Feast of the Holy Family)  Convivio / Potluck 8:00 p.m. ¿Dónde? / Where?  Locus Benedictus, Greenwood, MS Convivio / Potluck 8:00 p.m.  ¡Pueden traer para compartir un guiso! (ej. Ensalada, tamales, mole, asado, sopes, postre) / Please bring a dish to pass for the potluck.

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Prepárense para la Navidad – las Posadas!
Este año, las Posadas van a comenzar hoy, el domingo, el 15 de diciembre hasta el lunes, el 23 de diciembre. Muchas gracias a Julia Cortes y su familia por hospedarnos para las Posadas. ¡Estamos acercando pronto a la Navidad!

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Christmas Flowers / Flores navideñas
Parishioners and guests are invited to offer a donation for flowers for our church’s Christmas celebrations. There are envelopes on the tables in the back of church and in the box of Sunday Offering Envelopes. You are welcome to write the names of those in whose honor you are donating, living or deceased  Thank you. Una costumbre nuestra es donar dinero al honor de una persona querida para las flores navideñas que adornarán a nuestro templo. Hay unos sobres en las mesas atrás de la iglesia o, para ellos que tienen sus cajas de sobres de su Ofrenda dominical...

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2020 Offering Envelopes

Posted on December 14, 2019 in: General News

2020 Offering Envelopes
The Sunday and Holy Day Offering Envelopes for 2020 are available on the back tables for registered parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi. If you have any questions, please contact  Ms. Maxine Ford at the Parish Office during the week, from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at 662-453-0623.

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Banns of Matrimony / Amonestaciones de matrimonio III
Grace Chima Ikenga (St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Greenwood, MS) & Kenechukwu Okafor (St. Jude Parish, Indianapolis, IN) to be wed at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Sugar Land, TX on December 14, 2019.

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Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Sunday Mass, December 15th
We will be celebrating the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick during the 11:00 a.m. Mass next Sunday, December 15th. The Sacrament is for baptized Catholics who are suffering illness.

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¡La fiesta de nuestra Señora de Guadalupe! El jueves, 11 y 12 de diciembre 2019
El miércoles, el 11 de diciembre 9:00 a.m. Misa escolar a la Iglesia de san Francisco de Asís 5:30 p.m. Misa bilingüe de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe a ICM El jueves, el 12 de diciembre 5:00 a.m. Las Mañanitas al honor de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en la Iglesia de san Francisco de Asís 6:00 p.m. Misa de las Rosas – en la Iglesia de san Francisco de Asís Seguirá una cena y convivio en la cafetería de la escuela  

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Rosarios al honor de la Virgen de Guadalupe – esta semana
domingo, el 8 de dic: Angelina Zúñiga Elzy lunes, el 9 de dic: Angelina Zúñiga martes, el 10 de dic: Iris Alvarado Elzy miércoles, el 11 de dic.: Iris Alvarado jueves, el 12 de dic.: Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Iglesia de san Francisco de Asís 5:30 p.m. Las Mañanitas y 6:00 p.m.

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Greenwood Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
St. Francis of Assisi Parish is honored to be invited to host this year's Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 24th at 6:00 p.m.  All parishioners who are able are encouraged to attend and to welcome our Christian brothers and sisters.

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Financial Report and Town Hall Meeting / La reunión parroquial
After November 24th Sunday11:00 a.m. Mass, we will have a Town Hall meeting for parishioners to review the Financial Reports which were either emailed to parishioners or left in an envelope with parishioners’ names attached at the end of October. This will immediately follow the Mass and be held in the church. El 24 de noviembre, después de la misa, se llevará a cabo una reunión parroquial sobre el tema del reporte financiero de la parroquia – (1) el reporte financiero del año fiscal 2018-2019, (2) los gastos mensuales y (3) el presupuesto parroquial del año...

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Youth Gathering! / ¡Reunión de jóvenes!
Next Sunday, November 17th at 4:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria youth from 6th through 12th grades are invited for some activities. A fellowship supper will be provided. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Los jóvenes están invitados a asistir a una reunión el domingo, el 17 de noviembre, en la cafetería de la escuela a las 4:30 p.m.  Es para todos los jóvenes de la parroquia entre el 6º grado hasta el 12º grado.  

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Solemnity of All Saints, Nov. 1, 2019
Solemnity of All Saints - November 1st - Holy Day of Oblifation Mass of All Saints will be celebrated with the children of St. Francis School on Friday, November 1st, at 9 a.m.  St. Francis of Assisi (Spanish) 6:00 p.m.  Other opportunities to worship:  Masses for the Holy Day will also be celebrated at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church on Thursday, October 31st at 6:00 p.m., & on Friday, November 1st at 12:00 p.m..    

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Remembering the Faithful Departed on Saturday, November 2nd
Everyone is invited to Hudson Cemetery on Saturday, November 2nd, at 1:00 p.m. for a Prayer Service to commemorate our faithful departed (weather permitting). Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

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Box of Joy

Posted on October 17, 2019 in: General News

Box of Joy
St. Francis of Assisi School is participating in the Cross Catholic Box of Joy project.   Every year thousands of poor children experience a Christmas without hope.  Burdened by poverty, their parents are simply too poor to provide anything but the most basic necessities.  These are children who have never held a picture book.  Never wore a new shirt. Never owned a toy. The gifts you pack in a Box of Joy show God's unconditional love and spark the joy every child should experience at Christmas. ...

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St. Francis of Assisi Parish Feast Day Celebration!
Everyone is invited to the school cafeteria after Mass today for our Pot Luck to celebrate our parish’s feast day. Happy parish and school feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, everyone! God bless all of you!

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month / Mes de la lucha contra el cáncer de mama
Breast cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancer in women after skin cancer. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point. The good news is that most women can survive breast cancer if it’s found and treated early. (1) If you are a woman age 40 to 49, talk with your doctor about when to start getting mammograms and how often to get them. (2) If you are a woman age 50 to 74, be sure to get a mammogram every 2 years. You may also choose to get them more often. Talk to a doctor about your risk for breast cancer, especial...

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Respect Life Month / El mes anual de Respetemos la Vida
Intention for this week: For women in crisis pregnancies and for their pre-born children. The Catholic Church consistently and unambiguously promotes the respect of all human life from conception in the womb until natural death. All human life is created in the image and likeness of God (cf. Gen. 1:27). Abortion, euthanasia, murder, suicide, capital punishment, bigotry and racism, disrespect and neglect of the poor, the marginalized and the immigrant, human trafficking, homophobia, sexual abuse, pornography, any kind of exploitation – these all damage or even destroy...

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¡Feliz Día de Independencia de México! / Happy Mexican Independence Day!
Celebramos con todos los mexicanos este Día de Independencia de México.  ¡Viva México!  Rezamos por todos los mexicanos y por la República – por la paz, justicia e integridad del estado civil para todos, aquí y allá, de la tierra linda y querida por tanta gente.  The evening of October 15th begins the annual celebration of Mexican Independence Day when Fr. Hidalgo, pastor of the church of Our Lady of Sorrows (today’s feast day) in Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Mexico rang the church bells on the evening of this day in 1810 and cried o...

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Kermes de la comunidad hispana de san Francisco de Asís / A Mexican Festival
La comunidad hispana de la parroquia de san Francisco de Asís patrocina una Kermes que se llevará a cabo el domingo, el 29 de septiembre, de las 12:00 p.m. hasta las 5:00 p.m.   Miembros de la comunidad van a preparar varias comidas sabrosas y típicas a celebrar el Día de Independencia de México y el mes del patrimonio hispano de los EE UU.  ¡Marque su agenda! The Latino community of St. Francis Parish is sponsoring a “kermés” on Sunday, September 29th from 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.  A kermés is a Mexican festival.  ...

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Draw-Down October 4, 2019 / "Draw-Down" 4 de octubre de 2019
Draw-Down – Friday, October 4th, in the School Cafeteria, beginning at 6:00 p.m. till . . ?? There will be a Silent Auction and refreshments available. Draw-Down Tickets are $50.00 each and can be purchased at the School and Parish Offices during office hours or ONLINE. The Grand Prize is $5,000.00! The prize for the 450th ticket will be for the Green Bay v. Carolina Panthers football game on Sunday, November 10, 2019 in Green Bay, WI. “Draw-Down” – esta clase de rifa, que es muy popular en Misisipi, se llevará a cabo el viernes,...

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Fall Festival October 12th / El Festival Anual Otoña 12 de octubre
Annual Fall Festival – Saturday, October 12th, from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on the school grounds. Come to this wonderful event for children and families! Please pray for great weather! El Festival Anual Otoñal – el sábado, el 12 de octubre, de las 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. en el terreno escolar. ¡Vengan a disfrutar este evento para los niños y familias! ¡Por favor recen por clima agradable!

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Youth Canned Food Drive / La recaudación anual de comida enlatada
The annual canned food drive will be held at IHM on Sunday, September 22nd, beginning at 2:30 p.m. Our youth are expected to participate. Please bring canned food in bags to the church on that Sunday and our youth will take them to IHM. This benefits the Greenwood Food Pantry. Your contributions matter to those in need in Greenwood. Thank you to everyone! Se llevará a cabo el domingo, el 22 de septiembre, comenzando a las 2:30 p.m. al centro de la parroquia de Inmaculado Corazón de María (ICM) la recaudación anual de comida enlatadas. Es beneficio para la Bodega ...

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Letter to the Parishioners / Carta a los Parroquianos
Letter to the Parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi Church  Carta a los Parroquianos de la Iglesia de san Francisco de Asís 

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Labor Day - Parish Office & School Closed
The Parish Offices and School of St. Francis will be closed on Monday, September 4, 2019..  

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Primary Election Day - Tuesday, August 6th!
Every adult, 18+ years old, is encouraged to vote in the State of Mississippi Primary Election on Tuesday, August 6th.  If you’re not registered yet, you are encouraged to do so and to exercise your right to vote.  For your ballot, you must choose either Republican or Democrat Party.  If you haven’t registered yet or don’t yet To find out how to register or where your voting precinct is, please call the Circuit Clerk, Elmer Stockstill at 662-453-1435. This is for Greenwood and Leflore County

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"Back to School Bingo" / ¡Bingo “Regreso a clases”!
The Mardi Gras Committee is sponsoring a “Back to School Bingo” on Wednesday, August 7th at 6:00 p.m. in the School cafeteria. Prizes will include household items. Everyone is encouraged and requested to donate an item for the prizes. You can bring them to the parish office during the week or leave than in the church sacristy before or after Sunday Mass. Thank you for your help! The proceeds go to benefit the preparations for the Mardi Gras Ball 2020. ~~~~~~~~~~ El miércoles, el 7 de agosto que viene, estará el primer día de clases para el nuevo ...

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Death of Sr. Judy Norwick

Posted on June 26, 2019 in: General News

This past week, the friars received the news that Sr. Judy Norwick died quietly in her sleep on June 25, 2019. "May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace! Amen!

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Mini-Camp for Kids

Posted on June 22, 2019 in: General News

Mini-Camp for Kids
"Mini-Camp for Kids” July 8 – 11Another possible adventure for children at St. Francis will be the “Mini-Camp for Kids,” taking place the week of July 8 – 11. The minicamp will include some sports activities, cheerleading and other events. There is a registration sheet (salmon or orange color) on the back tables. Parishioners from St. Aloysius Gonzaga in Baton Rouge, LA – youth and adults – will be leading this four-day-long program for children 6 – 11 years old (i.e. those entering first grade to those entering sixth gr...

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“Youth Retreat Day” at Locus Benedictus
A youth retreat for young people between (entering) 7th grade and (completing) 12th grade will be held on Saturday, June 29th at Locus Benedictus. The cost is $10.00 per youth. The Youth Ministry Retreat Team from the Diocese of Baton Rouge will be leading this wonderful spiritual event for our young people. There are permission forms on the back table stapled to a black-and-white flyer. For more information, please see  Derrick Faucheux and / or Fr. Kim.  

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Happy Father's Day!

Posted on June 15, 2019 in: General News

Happy Father's Day!
With thanksgiving in our hearts to Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we at St. Francis of Assisi Parish express our prayerful and heartfelt support for all the fathers of our community – the Dads, the Grandads, the godfathers, foster fathers and surrogate fathers. Thank you for ministry of loveand support and  modeling a healthy Christian masculinity for our children. God bless you all!  

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For Couples Not (yet) Married in the Catholic Church
If you are a Catholic Christian and are not (yet) married in the Catholic Church but have married in another tradition, are married civilly or cohabiting and would like to see about getting married in the Catholic Church, please contact Fr. Cam or Fr. Kim through the Parish office: 662-453-0623. They will be happy to meet with you confidentially to discuss the matter.  

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Two Priests and a Professor

Posted on June 08, 2019 in: General News

Two Priests and a Professor
A panel discussion on Racism in the CatholicChurch. Live stream at AtSt.Francis School Cafeteria June 14, 2019 @ 6:00p.m. Discussion to follow after presentation. For more information please call the Parish Office at 453-0623.  

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St. Francis of Assisi School Summer Schedule
St. Francis of Assisi School Summer Schedule June - Summer hrs. 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. (The Office will be close during the week of June 24-28,(VBS) July - Summer hrs. - 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. (Close July 4th -5th. will reopen July 8th@9:00 a.m.)  

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Information / Información Registration / Formulario de Inscripcion

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Next Weekend is "I'm So Greenwood"
For several years, the last weekend of May, the weekend of Memorial Day, has been celebrated by many in the community as “I’m So Greenwood.” This is a kind of “family reunion” for many as folks often travel from different parts of the country to return for a home visit to Greenwood. We keep all the participants in prayer and ask God’s blessings upon all our visitors to Greenwood and to our parish community  

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Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity - 150th Anniversary!
With gratitude to God the Most High for our Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity who have served our school and parish communities these last 22 years, we celebrate their congregation’s 150th Anniversary of Foundation. Sr. Annette has faithfully supplied us with stories each week in our bulletin about their community and, especially, information about the Sisters who served here at St. Francis. Please join us for fellowship after Mass today in the school cafeteria. Also, Sr. Annette Kurey and Sr. Judy Norwick will not be returning to us this coming year. It is o...

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Revival On The River

Posted on May 03, 2019 in: General News

Revival On The River
Our own Derrick Faucheux, Director of Youth, Young Adults and Evangelization, has been involved in this ecumenical venture among various Christian congregations in Greenwood. This event will take place just on the north side of the Yazoo River – barring inclement weather! – “between the bridges,” from 1:00 p.m. till 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 11th. There is no charge; food vendors will be available. It will be a time for Christians of various traditions and cultures to gather to praise the Lord in song and prayer and to be revived in our common fait...

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Health Chat - Strokes

Posted on April 27, 2019 in: General News

Health Chat - Strokes
This coming Saturday, May 4th, from 10 – 11 a.m. at Locus Benedictus, Dr. Joseph Assini, DPM will provide information on strokes. It is open to the public and free. This very important topic affects so many people in our families and in our community. Opportunity for Questions and Answers  

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Holy Week Liturgy Schedule

Posted on April 13, 2019 in: General News

Holy Week Liturgy Schedule
April 14, 2019      11:00 a.m. Palm Sunday April 14, 2019        1:30 p.m. Domingo de Ramos April 18, 2019        6:00 p.m. Mass of the Lord's Supper (Bilingual) April 19, 2019        3:00 p.m.  Liturgy of the Lord's Passion April 20, 2019        8:00 p.m.  Easter Vigil Mass (Bilingual) April 21, 2019       11:00 a.m. Easter Sunday April 21, 2019         1:30 p.m. Domingo de Pascu...

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Healing Retreat - Bilingual

Posted on April 13, 2019 in: General News

Bilingual Healing Retreat at Locus Benedictus Saturday, May 11th at Locus Benedictus (1407 Levee Rd, Greenwood)– Maria Vadia, founder of Glory of God Foundation, international teaching and healing ministry, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (closing with bilingual Vigil Mass at 4:00 p.m.). Free will offering.  

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Week of April 7th Lenten Activities
This Week’s Lenten Activities at St. Francis Sunday, April 7th: Movie, White Water, at 4:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria Friday Stations of the Cross - in the church –2:00p.m. with school community; 6:00 p.m. (English) and 6:45 p.m. (Spanish)  

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Sacrament of Confirmation this Tuesday at St. Francis Church
This coming Tuesday, April 2nd at 6:00 p.m., Bp. Joseph Kopacz will be at St. Francis Church to confirm some of our teenagers, along with several from Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. They are: Cristián Lara, Hanna McGhee, Nayeli Reyna and Dulce Rojas. Please come and join these youths and their families and friends for their completion of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation.  

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Diabetes Support Group - GLH

Posted on March 23, 2019 in: General News

Diabetes Support Group - GLH
Diabetes Support Group in Greenwood Greenwood Leflore Hospital’s Diabetes Education Center invites you to the monthly support group meeting. Preston Boles, DPM of Greenwood Leflore Foot Center will discuss Diabetes and Foot Care, Tuesday, March 26, 2019 at 5:15 p.m. Conference Room 1A at Greenwood Leflore Hospital1401 River Road, Greenwood, MS. For more information please call the Diabetes Education Center at (662) 459-1438  

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Two Second Collections Next Sunday, March 31st
Next Sunday, March 31st, there will be TWO second collections! The first is the usual last Sunday of the month collection for the Maintenance Fund. The other is for the Catholic Relief Services. Thank you for your contributions to both of these worthy causes, one that is local (our parish) and the other that is global  

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Thank You for 2019 Mardis Gras

Posted on February 17, 2019 in: General News

Thank You for 2019 Mardis Gras
Thank you to Everyone for the Annual St. Francis Mardi Gras Ball!   Last evening, we celebrated the 18th annual St. Francis Mardi Gras Ball to benefit St. Francis Grade School. A LOT of time and effort went into making this event happen by many people. Thank you to everyone who contributed your time and energy, beginning with the Committee members: Mrs. Dianne Jones, Chair; Mr. Robert Tanner, Vice-Chair; Mr. Robert Jones, Mrs. Jackie Ratliff, Mrs. Glara Martin and Mrs. Jackie Lewis. A lot of background time and energy also contributed to our Mardi Gras 2019 ...

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Tell Them I'm a Child of God!

Posted on February 16, 2019 in: General News

Tell Them I'm a Child of God!
St. Francis Parish Revival with Bp. Ferd Cheri, OFM Tell Them I’m a Child of God! Bishop Ferd Cheri, OFM is auxiliary of the Archdiocese of New Orleans and a Franciscan friar, will be here at St. Francis Parish to conduct our Revival from Sunday, March 17th to Wednesday, March 20th. Sunday will be at the 11:00 a.m. Mass and 5:00 p.m. Evening Prayer. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 6:00 p.m., with fellowship to follow in the school cafeteria. Let’s invite EVERYONE to attend, parishioners, those who we haven’t seen at church for a while and those Christians...

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2019 Catholic Day at the Capitol

Posted on February 15, 2019 in: General News

2019 Catholic Day at the Capitol
Catholic Day at the Capitol on February 27, 2019 in Jackson, MS Each year, the Catholic Diocese of Jackson, in collaboration with the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi, invites and encourages Catholics to participate in the Catholic Day at the Capitol. This year’s focus will be Criminal Justice Reform. You can register online at the following link: Catholic Day at the Capital  

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Senior Luncheon

Posted on February 09, 2019 in: General News

Senior Luncheon
All senior adults – parishioners and their friends – are invited to the Fr. Nathaniel Room at St. Francis Church to join for a bag lunch this Wednesday, February 13th, from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.      

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Blessing of Throats - St. Blase Day, Sunday, February 3rd
This Sunday, at the endof Mass, we will have the traditional Blessing of the Throats in honor of the holy bishop and martyr, St. Blase of Sebastea, Armenia, in the early 4th century. All are invited to receive this blessing!  

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New Members of Parish Pastoral Council
Through a process of discernment, the Pastoral Council, together with Fr. Kim, have selected three new members to serve on the Pastoral Council of St. Francis of Assisi Parish.  They are Mrs. Bobbie H. Smith, Dr. Julius Ikenga and Mrs. Glara Martin.  We welcome you to the service of our parish community!  If any members of our parish would like to serve directly on the Pastoral Council in the future or serve currently on a committee of the council, please let Fr. Kim, Fr. Cam or any members of the Council know. 

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Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. March – Sunday, January 20th
The 35th Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Holiday observance will be held on Sunday, January 20, 2019.  The annual march will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the old St. Francis Catholic Center, 708 Avenue I to West MLK Drive and turn right onto Avenue E, north to Friendship Missionary Baptist Church.  Marchers are encouraged to carry flags, banners and signs while wearing identifying badges, emblems or uniforms in support of peace and brother-sisterhood to promote unity. After the march, the program begins at 2:30 p.m. at Friendship MB Church, the choir is providing th...

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Mardis Gras Ball

Posted on January 11, 2019 in: General News

Mardis Gras Ball
Saturday February 16, 2019 7pm - Midnight Leflore Counctiy Civic Center, 200 Hwy 7, Greenwood, MS $35.00 donation per Adult including entertainment by DJ TRAXX CRESTOR New Orleans Style Buffet, Party Favors, and Set-ups Mardi Gras Festive or Semi-Formal Dress Attire NO Jeans - NO Children - ADULTS ONLY Proceeds Benefit St. Francis of Assisi School

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Advent Evening Prayers

Posted on December 22, 2018 in: General News

Advent Evening Prayers
Join us on the Sundays of Advent Evening Prayers at 4:00 p.m. Fr. Kim is preaching this Sunday December 23rd.  

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Holy Family Feast Day

Posted on December 22, 2018 in: General News

Holy Family Feast Day
On December 30th, Feast of the Holy Family, let us break bread together as Family.  Bring your best soup or salad to share.   (Please provide your bowls and spoons) Cakes and pies are welcome. Sign up sheets are on the back table in church.  Lets’s close out the year with a bang!

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Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Posted on December 22, 2018 in: General News

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God – January 1st Masses for Tuesday, January 1, 2019  English: 9:00 a.m. and Spanish: 1:30 p.m.   Not only is January 1st the beginning of the New Year in the Lord 2019, it is also the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics. Let us offer our worship and thanks to God at the Mass on January 1st as our way to surrender ourselves, our families, parish, city, state, country and world to God’s goodness as we begin the new calendar year, especially through the intercession of the Blessed...

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Advent Evening Prayers

Posted on December 15, 2018 in: General News

Advent Evening Prayers
Join us on the Sundays of Advent Evening Prayers at 4:00 p.m. Fr. Cam is preaching this Sunday December 16th.  

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Advent Evening Prayers

Posted on December 08, 2018 in: General News

Advent Evening Prayers
Join us on the Sundays of Advent Evening Prayers at 4:00 p.m. Fr. Kim is preaching this Sunday December 9th.   

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Advent Evening Prayers

Posted on December 01, 2018 in: General News

Advent Evening Prayers
Join us on the Sundays of Advent Evening Prayers at 4:00 p.m. Fr. Cam is preaching this Sunday December 2nd.  

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Food Pantry / Donativo de Jabón Corporal para la Bodega de Comida de Greenwood
Food Pantry News:  Have you brought bars of soap for the Food Pantry lately? Many bars are needed at this time. Place them in the basket in the back of church. ~~~~~~~~~~ Estamos invitados a donar jabón corporal (sólido o líquido) para los necesitados a la Bodega de Comida (“Food Pantry”) de Greenwood.  Los puede depositar en el bote negro cerca de la entrada de la iglesia.  ¡Gracias!

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Sacrament of Reconciliation - Preparing for Christmas
On Tuesday, December 4th, St. Francis Parish will have a Penance Service with the Sacrament of Reconciliation available, in the church, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Every first and third Saturday of the month, one of the priests is available for Confessions in the church from 11:00 a.m. till noon. On Wednesday, December 5th, Faith Formation night at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, there will be a Penance Service, beginning at 6:00 p.m. If you cannot make Tuesday’s service, you are welcome to attend Wednesday’s service. These will be the two Penance Services ...

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Thanksgiving Day - November 22, 2018
The Pastoral Staff of our parish extends to all our parishioners and guest and all you loved ones our prayers for a blessed and happy Thanksgiving Day and weekend.  May God grant safe travels to all those who will be visiting away. Thanksgiving Day Mass will be in the church at 9:00 a.m. All are welcome and encouraged to join on our national holiday to give thanks to our good God for all the blessings we have received and that we continue to be a blessing for others  

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Grief Workshop

Posted on November 17, 2018 in: General News

Grief Workshop
Wednesday, November 28, 2018, 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Indianola, MS. For anyone experiencing loss of any kind, eg. death of a loved one, divorce, loss of job, pet, security, dreams, hopes, or loss of good health. Register at or phone Sister Pat at 601-213-6378  

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Diocesan Statement regarding financial investigation
Diocesan Statement regarding financial investigation

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Posted on November 12, 2018 in: General News

Beginning November 12, 20418 you can make an advanced day #iGiveCatholic gift in support of our school at St. Francis of Assisi School, or on #GivingTuesday, Nov. 27!  For more information on #iGiveCatholic

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Black Catholic Month

Posted on November 10, 2018 in: General News

Black Catholic Month
Did you know that November is Black Catholic History Month? This month, we’re honoring the men and women from Africa who have pioneered the faith! Many forget that Christianity didn’t start in Europe. Black Catholics have had a huge impact on the history and traditions of Christianity. The church has been celebrating Black Catholic History Month since 1990 when the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus of the United States instigated it. November seemed appropriate because it holds special days for two prominent African Catholics: St. Augustine...

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Sr. Thea Bowman, FSPA – Update on Promotion of her Cause
Sr. Thea Bowman, FSPA (Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration) was originally from Canton, MS and was an energetic woman of faith who preached the Gospel from her heart with her whole life.  Next Sunday, November 18th, at St. Peter the Apostle Cathedral in Jackson, MS, at the 10:30 a.m. Mass, Bp. Joseph Kopacz will declare her a Servant of God, the first official step toward declaring her a Blessed and then a Saint in the Catholic Church.  A small delegation from our parish will be going.  For further information, please see our sister, Maxine Ford.

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Black Catholic Month

Posted on November 06, 2018 in: General News

Black Catholic Month
Let us remember the holy men and women of African descent of the United States who are being recommended to the altars of the Church – Fr. Augustus Tolton, Sr. Thea Bowman, FSPA and Pierre Toussaint. In light of their heroic lives in service of God and his Church, even facing discrimination, let us commit our lives to love the Lord our God with our whole hearts and our neighbors – even our enemies! – as ourselves.

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Time Change - November 4th

Posted on October 27, 2018 in: General News

Time Change - November 4th
Next Sunday, November 4th at 2:00 a.m., change the clock!  “Fall backwards!”  

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Garage Sale - IHM

Posted on October 27, 2018 in: General News

Garage Sale - IHM
This coming Saturday, November 3rd, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish is hosting a Garage Sale to benefit St. Francis Parish. It will be from 6:00 a.m. till noon in the Parish Center. If you have any household items in good condition that you would like to donate, you may take them to IHM during the week. Javier Gómez is in charge of this event. Thank you for your support!  

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Fish Fry - Mardi Gras Committee

Posted on October 26, 2018 in: General News

Fish Fry - Mardi Gras Committee
The Mardi Gras Committee is sponsoring a Fish Fry this coming Saturday, November 3rd, from 11:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m.  The meal includes catfish, spaghetti, coleslaw, bread, cold drink and cake.  The cost is $8.00 per person.  This will benefit the preparations for our annual Mardi Gras Ball for next February.  Come and enjoy!  

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Election Day - November 6th

Posted on October 13, 2018 in: General News

Election Day - November 6th
Important Announcement: Tuesday, November 6th is Election Day!  Each of us can make a difference.  Vote – exercise your right!  

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The St. Francis Show

Posted on October 13, 2018 in: General News

The St. Francis Show
“The St. Francis Show” on 104.3 FM (WGNL) each Thursday at 10:30 am. You can also follow live-streaming on the parish’s Facebook page. Derrick Faucheux is the show’s weekly host. It is an outreach of St. Francis Parish to share the Good News of Jesus in our contemporary world. 

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Next Sunday is WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. We Catholics are called to be part of the Church’s universal missionary efforts, supporting mission priests, religious Sisters and Brothers, and lay catechists who provide loving service to those most in need. As Catholics around the world — here at home and in the Missions— gather at the Eucharist around the table of the Lord, let us... 1.PRAY for the Church’s worldwide missionary work 2.OFFER financial HELP through The Society for the PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH for vulnerable communities throughout Asia, Afric...

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Bible Study (Suspended)

Posted on October 05, 2018 in: General News

Bible Study (Suspended)
NO Bible Study this Monday Evening till further notice

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St. Francis Parish Feast Day Celebration
The feast day of St. Francis of Assisi is held each year on October 4th. This year, that falls on this coming Thursday and will be the School Mass at 9:00 a.m. On Sunday, the day after the Fall Festival, we will be celebrating our parish’s feast day at both Masses. There will be a fellowship of delicious food following our 11:00 a.m. Mass in the school cafeteria. Please join us! Bring a dessert and invite a friend!

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Rosary Rally coming in October

Posted on September 29, 2018 in: General News

Rosary Rally coming in October
October is the traditional Month of the Holy Rosary for Catholics. Our parish will sponsor a Rosary Rally here at St. Francis on Saturday, October 13th, at noon, at the statue of the Blessed Mother in front of the Sisters’ convent. All are encouraged and invited to attend to intercede with the Mother of God for the needs of our Church, our local community, our nation, our state and our world.

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Diocesan Listening Session This Week

Posted on September 29, 2018 in: General News

Diocesan Listening Session This Week
Bishop Joseph Kopacz is inviting the people of God of the Diocese of Jackson to attend and participate in four listening sessions to reflect on and respond to the pain of the current sexual abuse crisis in our country. Sr. Dorothy Heiderscheidt, OSF, will be the facilitator. Please read the Diocesan Statement at Catholic Diocese of Jackson prior to attending. There will be a Spanish-language interpreter available at all sessions.  Sessions at the following dates, times and locations: Thursday, October 4: Tupelo, St. James Parish at 7PM Friday, October 5: Cle...

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  A Holy Hour to Pray for Clergy and Religious
On the Feast of St. Therese, the Little Flower  Monday,  October 1st at 6 PM Chapel of Mercy at Locus Benedictus      This is a time of sadness and shame for our Church.  It is also a time to turn in trust to our Good Shepherd, Jesus, for mercy and healing.  Join us as we intercede for all ordained ministers and religious in our diocese and in the world.  We will pray for the forgiveness and conversion of those who have participated in the sin of sexual abuse.  We will pray for the healing of young people and famili...

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Celebration of the Transitus of St. Francis of Assisi
The annual commemoration of the passing (transitus) of St. Francis of Assisi will take place in St. Francis Church on Wednesday evening, October 3rd, at 6:00 p.m.  This reflective celebration is practiced throughout the world wherever Franciscans – friars, nuns, Sisters, lay people and youth – live and serve. 

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Faith Formation Meeting for Parents

Posted on September 08, 2018 in: General News

Faith Formation Meeting for Parents
Fr. Sanchez and Fr. Kim would like to meet with the parents of those children who attend Wednesday evening Faith Formation this coming Wednesday, September 12th, immediately after the light supper (around 6:15 p.m.). We look forward to seeing you there!

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Black Catholic Men's Conference

Posted on August 25, 2018 in: General News

Black Catholic Men's Conference
15th National Black Catholic Men's Conference "Know Yourself to Share Yourself" October 18 - 21, 2018 Richmond, VA The 15th Annual National Black Catholic Men’s Conference provides a forum for African American males and youth to discern the critical issues and challenges facing them in the community. It also provides an environment of mentorship and support for those seeking a vocation in priesthood, brotherhood and the diaconate. Register at:         Cost: Adults: $150.00, Co...

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Come Join Us For School Mass

Posted on August 25, 2018 in: General News

Come Join Us For School Mass
Each Wednesday at 9 AM, St. Francis School comes together for the celebration of Mass. Join our children with their beautiful singing as we give thanks to God for all good gifts - especially the gift of education. 

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Mardis Gras Committee Meeting

Posted on August 11, 2018 in: General News

Mardis Gras Committee Meeting
This Tuesday, August 14th, the Mardi Gras Committee will meet at 6:00 PM at St. Francis Grade School library.  

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OFS Gathering

Posted on August 04, 2018 in: General News

OFS Gathering
The OFS Gathering and Ongoing Formation will be held next Sunday, August 12th, after the 11 AM Mass at St. Francis in the school cafeteria.    

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70th Anniversary of the Arrival of the Franciscan Friars to Greenwood:  1948-2018
This Sunday, July 29th, marks the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the first two Franciscan friars of Assumption BVM Province to Greenwood, MS. To mark this occasion, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish will host an appreciation fellowship this Sunday, July 29th, after the 9:00 AM Mass in the parish center.  Everyone is invited to attend. St. Francis of Assisi Parish will have a fellowship next Sunday, August 5th, following the 11:00 AM English-language Mass, in the school cafeteria.  All are welcome to attend.

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Come Out & Enjoy / Vengan Y Disfruten
Snow Cones |  Popcorn | Face painting conos de nieve | palomita de maíze | pintura de la cara Fun activities and refreshments while learning more about education opportunities and scholarships available at MVSU! Actividades, divertidas y recuerdos mientras aprendes más sobre oportunidades educativas y begas disponibles en MVSU! Tuesday, July 31, 2018 / Martes, 31 de julio de 2018 3 P.M. - 6 P.M. St. Francis School Greenwood, MS

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Registration for St. Francis of Assisi Grade School
The new school year at St. Francis begins on Wednesday, August 7th!  To register your child at St. Francis, please call the School Office at 662-453-9511.  You may also stop by school during regular office hours (8:00 AM - 4:00 PM).  The registration fee is $250.00.  

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Grace for the Journey - Training for Caregivers
This training is for family, friends, clergy, or employees who take care of people suffering from ANY illness or injury.                         Sunday, July 29, 2018   2:00 PM                 Locus Benedictus Retreat Center 1407 Levee Road Greenwood, MS    Presenters:  Catherine Kidd and Charlene Gressett       ...

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Free Daily Breakfasts and Lunches for Children 18 years and younger
No cost to you and no registration required - FREE breakfasts and lunches are available on July 10-12 & 17-19 at the following high school cafeterias - Elzy and Leflore.  These are for children 18 years and younger.  Breakfasts are from 8:30 AM till 9:00 AM and lunches are from 11:00 AM till 12:30 PM.  

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Parish Council Meeting

Posted on June 16, 2018 in: General News

Parish Council Meeting
St. Francis Parish Council will meet Tuesday, June 19th, at 6 PM at St. Francis.  

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Holy Land Group

Posted on June 02, 2018 in: General News

Holy Land Group
Sunday, June 10, 2018, representatives from The Holy Land Group will be present at St. Francis Parish to sell olive wood religious products from the Holy Land.  These include crucifixes, statues, rosaries and the like.  The proceeds from these sales go to assist the Palestinian Christians in the Holy Land.  Let us prayerfully consider our practical support for these brothers and sisters who have chosen to remain in the Holy Land as a Christian witness in these very turbulent times. The Holy Land Group has authorization from the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem...

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Recycling at St. Francis / Latas de aluminio (de refrescos)
You can drop off your aluminum cans in the trailer at St. Francis (behind the church).  Not only are we helping the environment, but the money goes towards scholarships for St. Francis students.  We thank you for you help! ~~~~~~~~~ Latas de aluminio – Se puede depositar las latas de aluminio para los refrescos en el carrillo detrás de la Iglesia de san Francisco.  El dinero ganado por reciclando estas latas beneficia a la escuela de san Francisco por ayudar a los costos de la cuota escolar para los estudiantes a la escuela.  ¡Gracias p...

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St. Francis Men's Group Fish Fry
St. Francis Men's Group Fish Fry will be on Saturday, May 12th 11:00am - 1:30 pm in St. Francis School Cafeteria.  $8.00/plate

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Catholic Communication Campaign Collection
Catholic Communication Campaign Collection A second collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign will be taken up next weekend, May 12 and 13.  Your contribution connects people in the United States and around the world to the merciful love of Christ.  And half of your donation stays in your diocese to support local communications projects!  Please be generous.

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National Day of Prayer

Posted on April 28, 2018 in: General News

National Day of Prayer
Our Annual National Day of of Prayer will be held on Thursday, May 3, 2018, at 12 noon on the steps of the Leflore County Courthouse.  This year’s theme is:  “One Voice United in Prayer”.  Come and join us. Prayer makes a difference for our lives, and for our country.  

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A second collection for the Catholic Home Missions Appeal will be taken up next weekend, April 28 and 29. Thank you for your contribution to help strengthen the Church at home!  Your generosity will provide catechesis, seminarian education, lay ministry training, and other pastoral programs in needy dioceses across the United States.   

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MVSU at St. Francis

Posted on April 21, 2018 in: General News

MVSU at St. Francis
Reminder - MVSU coming to St. Francis of Assisi Parish today! Representatives from Mississippi Valley State University will be at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in the school cafeteria after the 11:00 AM English-language and the 1:30 PM Spanish language Masses.  There will be Spanish-speaking representatives from the university available.  They will be present to give information about the university and possible fields of study and financial assistance for those who may be able to benefit.  We thank them for coming to our parish.

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Health Screening - April 21st

Posted on April 21, 2018 in: General News

Health Screening - April 21st
Mrs. Jackie Ratliff will also be available to check blood pressures in the school cafeteria after the 11 AM Mass. Thank you, Mrs. Ratliff.

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Discovery Zone VIII - 2018

Posted on April 14, 2018 in: General News

Discovery Zone VIII - 2018
Discovery Zone VIII will be held June 25-28, 2018 from 9:00 AM - 2:15 PM at St. Francis School. The program is free with snacks and lunch provided.  Let your family, friends and neighbors know of this summer opportunity for our children. The program is for children 5-13 years old.  Sewing class is available for children 8th – 12th grade. The registration deadline is April 30, 2018.  Information and registration forms are available through St. Francis Parish and St.Francis School.  

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Patriotic Rosary

Posted on April 14, 2018 in: General News

Patriotic Rosary
Matthew 18:20 - “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst.” This is a nine month rosary novena for Our Nation. Please join us in praying for the state of our nation with others across the nation.  Patriotic Rosary Booklets will be available. Where:  Locus Benedictus at the statue of Mary, Mother of the Delta    Time:  6:30 PM  Dates:  April 15, May 15, June 15, July 15, August 15, September 15, October 15 and November 15, 2018.  **Thursday, March 15 was the first scheduled rosary....

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First Communion

Posted on April 14, 2018 in: General News

First Communion
The faith communities of Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Francis rejoice with the following students who are celebrating their First Holy Communion this weekend: Immaculate Heart of Mary:  Lenora Faulkner, Elliott Pantin, JonHartley Slater, Alexis Olivo, Alexander Jr. Olivo, and Jackaline M. Duran. St. Francis:  Sierra Ikenga, Brylon Martin, Valeria and Humberto Lara, Yasmin Guzman, Esmerelda and Zitlali Ortiz, Zitlali Rodriguez, Arelly and Jimena Zuniga, Derek Lopez, Camila Gamez, Florencio Rojas, Angel Martinez, Liliana Virrey and Yareli Martinez &n...

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Education of Future Priests

Posted on April 07, 2018 in: General News

Education of Future Priests
A second collection for the Education of Future Priests will be taken up next weekend, April 14th and 15th. Please be generous.  

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Yard Sale

Posted on April 07, 2018 in: General News

Yard Sale
A Yard Sale will be held at IHM Parish Center on Saturday, April 28th, from 6 AM - 12 noon.  Hot Tamales will also be on sale.  If you have any items for the Yard Sale that you would like to donate, please bring them to the Parish Center. The Yard Sale will beneft St. Francis School.  

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Feast of Divine Mercy - April 8, 2018
Sunday, April 8th, is the Feast of Divine Mercy. There will be a Prayer Service at 3 PM at the Chapel of Mercy at Locus Benedictus. Come and thank our Lord Jesus for His limitless Mercy and Love. All are invited.  

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St. Francis Prayer Chain

Posted on March 31, 2018 in: General News

St. Francis Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain will meet Wednesday, April 4th, at 10 AM in the Fr. Nathaniel Conference room. Anyone interested is welcomed to attend.  

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Misión Parroquial 12 - 14 de marzo 2018
clic aquí para mas información.

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Servicio Penitencial - 13 de marzo 2018
Servicion Penitencial (parte de la Misión Parroquial) el martes, el 13 de marzo a las 6:30 pm (con confesiones).

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Faith & Film

Posted on March 09, 2018 in: General News

Faith & Film
Sunday, March 10th: Movie at 5:00 p.m. (in English) in the school cafeteria

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Stations of the Cross

Posted on February 24, 2018 in: General News

Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross will be held each Friday throughout Lent at St. Francis: 1:30 PM Stations of the Cross with school children 6:00 PM Stations of the Cross (English) 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross (Spanish)  

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Youth Flag Football Game

Posted on February 10, 2018 in: General News

Youth Flag Football Game
This Sunday, February 11th, our Youth Group will be hosting a Flag Football Game at St. Francis at 4:00 PM. The game will take place on the back field.  Although this game is for the youth, we encourage parents and parishioners to come and participate as well!  

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Ash Wednesday Liturgies

Posted on February 10, 2018 in: General News

Ash Wednesday Liturgies
  9:00 AM School Mass/Ashes at St. Francis 12:00 PM Word Service/Ashes at IHM   6:00 PM Mass/Ashes at IHM   6:30 PM SF Spanish Mass/Ashes at SF  

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St. Francis School Book Fair

Posted on January 27, 2018 in: General News

St. Francis School Book Fair
St. Francis School Book Fair will be held from January 29th through February 2nd, from Noon until 3:30 PM in the library.  Our online book fair will be up through February 6th at  Profts from the Book Fair will be used to buy new books for the school’s library.  

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CYO Movie Night

Posted on January 05, 2018 in: General News

CYO Movie Night
All youth from grades 6th - 12th are invited to our CYO Movie Night next Sunday, January 14th, at 4:00 PM at the IHM Parish Center. Pizza will be provided.

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Faith Formation

Posted on December 30, 2017 in: General News

Faith Formation Classes will not meet Wednesday, January 3rd.  Classes will resume January 10th.  

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World Marriage Day - February 4, 2018
The Catholic Diocese of Jackson and the Offce of Family Ministry is pleased to announce that the Diocesan World Marriage Day Celebration will be held Sunday, February 4, 2018 at 3:00 PM at the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle in Jackson, Mississippi. There will be Mass with a reception immediately following. The Mass honors all married couples, but invites those celebrating their 25th, 50th, and 60th anniversaries or any signifcant anniversary. Please contact your parish offce for registration details. For additional information, or questions, please call the Offce of ...

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Women's Retreat

Posted on December 30, 2017 in: General News

Women's Retreat
Women’s Retreat Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary #5267 “Body, Mind, and Spirit” Saturday, January 27, 2018 9 AM - 5 PM (With 4:00 PM Vigil Mass) Locus Benedictus Spirituality Center Greenwood, MS Cost is $35 made payable to: Locus Benedictus, P.O. Box 9791 Greenwood, MS 38930 For more information, call 662-299-1232.  

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Misa de Nochebuena Lectores

Posted on December 22, 2017 in: General News

Misa de Nochebuena Lectores
Lectores Bienvenida:  David 1 Lectura y Salmo:  Enrique 2 Lectura y Aleluya: Evelia Peticiones:  Esmeralda Anuncios:  Julia

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Christmas Mass Schedule

Posted on December 15, 2017 in: General News

Christmas Mass Schedule
Sunday, December 24 - Christmas Eve 6 PM Christmas Vigil Mass at Sacred Heart 6 PM Christmas Vigil Mass at IHM 8 PM Spanish Christmas Mass at St. Francis 10:30 PM Carols at St. Francis Church 11 PM Christmas Eve Mass at St. Francis Monday, December 25 - Christmas Day 9 AM Christmas Day Mass at IHM 9 AM Christmas Day Mass at St. Thomas 11 AM Christmas Day Mass at St. Francis 

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Evening Prayer on Sundays of Advent

Posted on December 08, 2017 in: General News

Evening Prayer on Sundays of Advent
As we anticipate the holy season of Advent, all are invited to share in the celebration of Evening Prayer on the Sundays of Advent at 5 PM at St. Francis.

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St. Francis School Christmas Program
The St. Francis School Christmas Program will be held on Thursday, December 14th, at 6:30 PM at the St. Francis Church. Everyone is invited to attend.

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Communal Reconciliation Service

Posted on December 08, 2017 in: General News

A Communal Reconciliation Service for everyone (English and Spanish) will be held at St. Francis beginning at 6:00 PM on Monday, December 18th.  You may celebrate with any one of the several priests available that evening.   

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CYO meeting 11/26/17

Posted on November 17, 2017 in: General News

CYO meeting 11/26/17
The CYO will meet next Sunday, November 26th, at 4:00 PM at the IHM Parish Center. We will be preparing to send winter clothes from our clothing drive out into the Leflore County community. The Youth Leadership team will meet at 2:50 PM before the meeting. Thank you to everyone for your tremendous support of our CYO/Life Teen program. Derrick Faucheux - Youth Director

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Revival on the River - One Worship Night
One Worship Night is an ecumenical night of worship and fellowship.  The event is on November 20, 2017 at 7PM at Locus Benedictus Retreat Center, Greenwood, MS. UNITY | WORSHIP | REVIVAL | HEALING  

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Pope Francis - World Day of the Poor on November 19, 2017
Pope Francis has named the thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary time the World Day of the Poor. The inaugural World Day of the Poor will be celebrated November 19, 2017 "It is my wish that, in the week preceding the World Day of the Poor, which falls this year on 19 November, the Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time, Christian communities will make every effort to create moments of encounter and friendship, solidarity and concrete assistance. They can invite the poor and volunteers to take part together in the Eucharist on this Sunday ... This Sunday, if there are p...

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#iGiveCatholic Campaign

Posted on November 13, 2017 in: General News

#iGiveCatholic Campaign
#iGiveCatholic on #GivingTuesday will be held from midnight until 11:59 PM on Tuesday, November 28. It's 24 hours of giving by Catholics for the Catholic community, but you have the opportunity to make your gifts in advance beginning November 10 and running through November 26. Transactions made on are secure and your donations of $25 or more are tax deductible. You can find additional information about #iGiveCatholic at their website #iGiveCatholic/about or by contacting Br. Craig Wilking, OFM at 662-453-0623. Help us inspire and celebrate Cathol...

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Thanksgiving Day Mass

Posted on November 10, 2017 in: General News

Thanksgiving Day Mass
Thanksgiving Day Mass will be held at St. Francis this year on Thursday, November 23rd, at 9 AM. Please bring a canned good, soap, peanut butter, or dry goods for the Food Pantry as your offering.

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CYO Winter Clothing Drive

Posted on November 10, 2017 in: General News

CYO Winter Clothing Drive
Our CYO is putting on a Winter Clothing Drive for Men, Women, and Children. All winter items including jackets, hoodies, scarves, gloves, etc. can be donated and placed in the brown boxes in the IHM Parish Center. All donations are due by Sunday, November 26th, and will support the poor in Leflore County. Thank you for supporting our CYO!

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St. Martin de Porres

Posted on November 10, 2017 in: General News

St. Martin de Porres
St. Martin de Porres was born in Lima, Peru, the illegitimate son to a Spanish gentleman and a freed slave from Panama, of African descent. As Martin grew older, he experienced a great deal of ridicule for being of mixed-race. Martin asked the Dominicans to accept him as a volunteer who performed the most menial tasks in the monastery. In return, he would be allowed to wear the habit and live within the religious community. Eventually he was formally received and worked as a servant boy. Martin was praised for his unconditional care of all people, regardless of race or weal...

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Thanksgiving - Box of Love

Posted on November 10, 2017 in: General News

Thanksgiving - Box of Love
This November, in a partnership with our Life Teen who are collecting food items for a “Thanksgiving -- Box of Love”, we are asking parishioners to donate the following canned items: turkey gravy, cranberry sauce, yams, vegetables, and/or boxes of instant potatoes, stuffing mixes, and the like. We are also looking for parishioners to donate canned hams or turkeys. The smaller items can be left at the back of the Church or at the IHM Parish Center. Please contact Derrick at 225-206-2430, if you are able to donate a turkey or ham.

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Mother Henriette Delille

Posted on November 03, 2017 in: General News

Mother Henriette Delille
On July 24, 1990, the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus of the United States designated November as Black Catholic History Month to celebrate the long history and proud heritage of Black Catholics. During this month we will feature a Black Saint or candidate for Sainthood. This week we have chosen Mother Henriette Delille. Did you know that the founder of the Sisters of the Holy Family, based in New Orleans, Louisiana, is among three African American candidates for the sainthood in the Catholic Church? Mother Henriette Delille (duh-LEEL) was born in 1812 as a &ldq...

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Senior Luncheon

Posted on November 03, 2017 in: General News

Senior Luncheon

Come join us at St. Francis for the Seniors Luncheon this Wednesday, November 8th, at 12:30 PM in the Father Nathaniel Room. Please bring a bag lunch.

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OFS Gathering and Ongoing Formation

Posted on November 03, 2017 in: General News

OFS Gathering and Ongoing Formation
The OFS Gathering and Ongoing Formation will be held next Sunday, November 12th, after the 11:30 AM Mass at St. Francis

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Meet the New Friars

Posted on October 13, 2017 in: General News

Meet the New Friars
  Fr. Camillus Janas, OFM My name is Camillus Janas, O.F.M. I was born in Manchester, N.H. and am 84 years old.  I've been privileged to be a Franciscan for 65 years and a priest for 57 years. I try to live the gospel and share it with others.  My hobby is: photography and occasional card making. My favorite color is red. Fr. Joachim Studwell, OFM Fr. Joachim Studwell, OFM, also called “Fr. Kim”, is a Franciscan friar and priest of the Assumption BVM Province and currently lives with his Franciscan brothers at St. Francis of Assi...

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