Adult Religious Education

Adult Religious Education, or Adult Formation, is an important component at St. Francis. We have a unique way of forming our adults through various programs.

The first is through our Adult Bible Study.

Each Wednesday morning, the men of St. Francis and Immaculate Heart of Mary join together in the library of Immaculate Heart's Parish Life Center to open the Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday readings.

We meet around 6:15 AM for coffee, and then begin our sessions at 6:30, finishing by 7:30.

Each Wednesday evening, our adult community is invited to join with our children at IHM for a light meal beginning at 6:45 PM, followed by the children heading to their specific classes.

Then our adults remain in the parish hall for Bible study on the upcoming Sunday Scriptures.

During various times of the year, the parish will offer at St. Francis various in-depth studies of the Scriptures through a number of different programs.

Please view our website for upcoming programs ranging from Parish Revivals to Bible Study.

Download 2017-18 RCIA Schedule