
A small group of St. Francis of Assisi parishioners continues to gather on a monthly basis for prayer and dialogue on the challenge of racism, both personal and systemic. This group began meeting in March of 2019, though a small group, it continues. "We can all attest to the fact that positive change can be very slow, but since meeting we have been blessed to see the old state flag retired, a Flag of Unity raised, the freeing of Mr. Curtis Flowers, an opportunity to study the Bishops Pastoral Letter on Racism, “Open Wide our Hearts”, a survey given by the Diocesan Office on Racial Justice, Greenwood Council voting to remove the Confederate Monument, participating in a 21 day Racial Equity Challenge, Congress approving Juneteenth as a National Holiday,  prayer from “Open Wide our Hearts” ad taken out in the St Francis of Assisi 70th year celebration book, “Open Wide our Hearts” Workshop was held, and most recently continued sharing on the book, ‘White Fragility…” These are just a few of the highlights.

We invite you to join us for prayer and dialogue on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at St. Francis of Assisi Church. For more information, please talk to Stephanie Sanders, Karen Albright, Maxine Ford or Dina Potter.

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